At Canterbury School we encourage physical activity and sport participation both as part of our curriculum and through extra-curricular activities. Our basketball programme allows students to combine their studies with high-level sport which has resulted in university scholarships for several of our students.
" Canterbury no es solo el club en el que he jugado toda mi carrera de formación, sino que también es mi segunda familia. Me ha regalado momentos y vivencias de un valor incalculable y amistades para toda la vida. No puedo estar más agradecido por todo lo vivido y mi etapa en Canterbury la recordaré, sin duda, como una de las etapas más bonitas de mi vida. "
— Santi Aldama, Memphis Grizzlies (NBA)

" I feel so blessed to have been a part of this Academy I can now call my home. I have learned how to be a better person, a better and stronger player. I have had ups and downs and I am forever thankful for all the love and support I have received at Canterbury. The relationships and memories I have made here I will remember forever. I have so much love for the place that has shaped my life for the better. "
— Nevena Dimitrijevic, Universidad St Francis Brooklyn (USA)

" When I think of Canterbury, I think of Home, I think of purpose, I think of commitment and most importantly I think of long lasting relationships I made in my years there. I always say that basketball saved my life, but Canterbury was a big part of it. They put me in the best possible conditions to pursue my dreams both in the class room and on the basketball court. I have nothing but love and gratitude for Canterbury School. "
— Jonathan Kasibabu, Universidad de Fairfield (USA)

" Canterbury para mí ha sido una segunda casa. Un lugar donde empecé a jugar con tan solo cinco años y del cual guardo increíbles recuerdos desde los campus, los torneos, campeonatos, asaderos etc. Este club me ha enseñado no solo a mejorar deportivamente sino también en lo personal. Un lugar en el que no importa el tiempo que pase, siempre te reciben con los brazos abiertos. "
— Claudia Quevedo, Universidad de Radford (USA)

" Canterbury is not a basketball Academy but a family. I've met great people who went from being teammates to become brothers. Coaches that always pushed me to bring the best out of me both on and off the courts because in Canterbury is not only about basketball it is also about academics. This place has played a great part in the making of the athlete even more so of the person I am. "
— Souleymane Diakite, New Jersey Institute of Technology (USA)

" Canterbury ha formado parte de mi carrera deportiva y les estoy eternamente agradecida. Vaya donde vaya me siento afortunada de pertenecer a esta familia, de haber tenido buenos entrenadores y amistades. "
— Maite Cazorla, Atlanta Dream (WNBA)

We offer basketball camps in summer, Christmas and Easter under the direction of coach Santi Lopez. For more information contact us at