School Year 2024-2025

Dear parents and pupils: please see the relevant information for the academic year 2024/2025. We wish you all a lovely summer holiday!

1. Start of the school year
2. School Calendar Las Palmas
2. School Calendar Maspalomas
3. School Fees
4. Primary Textbooks and School Supplies (San Lorenzo)
4. Primary Textbooks and School Supplies (Maspalomas)
4. Secondary Textbooks and School Supplies
5. Uniform
6. School Bus

• The main school office in San Lorenzo is open from 9 am to 1 pm during the summer months (July and August).
• Milton department will be open from 9 am to 3.30 pm until 26th July.
• Maspalomas school office will be open from 9 am to 1 pm from 16th July until 9th August and from 26th to 30th August.
Starting 2nd September, we will return to the normal school schedule.

Due to maintenance and preparations for the new academic year pupils will not be able to access the Frog platform during the month of August. They’ll be able to access their new class in September.

Infant Summer School 2024

The Infant Department is organising a summer school in Milton House, with classes in English (native teachers), sports, games, crafts, workshops, etc.

Registration: Open for both Canterbury School Students (Pre-Nursery, Nursery, Reception and Year 1) and outside students from 3-6 years of age (children born in 2018-2019-2020) and 2021-2022 born children who will be starting at our school in September 2024.

Dates: From 1st to 26th July (lunch included)

Hours: 8:30 to 15:30 (Monday to Friday)


● English classes taught by native teachers.

● A whole range of exciting crafts, games, workshops and sports.

● Lunches are freshly cooked daily in our own school kitchen.

The aim of this Summer School is that children enjoy themselves as much as possible by learning English in an entertaining and fun way.


● Creative activities: Painting, sticking, threading, cutting, modelling with plasticine and clay, drawing, colouring…

● Physical Development: going up, over, down and through obstacles, running, jumping, throwing, catching...

● Drama and music: singing, dancing, role play, drama…developing their creativity.

● Knowledge and understanding of the world: plants, animals, places, full, empty, changes, appear, disappear…

● Social Development: developing relationships with other children and adults, sharing, taking turns, being responsible and helping.

● Gardening Workshops

● Cooking Workshops

● Foam Party

● Sports Activities (each Tuesday and Thursday the children will have sports & basketball activities )


Comfy T-shirt, shorts or tracksuit and trainers.

And inside their backpack (no trolley bags):
- A daily snack
- A change of clothes
- A hat
- A re-fillable bottle of water

All belongings must be marked with the child’s name.

On the days that we have a FOAM PARTY, each child should bring a bag with:
a swim suit, a pair of flip flops, towel, goggles and water toys.
Don’t forget to name all your clothes and toys!

TABLE OF PRICES (Lunch included)

Cash payments will be made at the main office, in San Lorenzo, by appointment (828 11 34 00).


Canterbury Students - download files:
Presentation Summer School 2024
Enrolment Summer School 2024

Outside Students - download files:
Presentation Summer School 2024
Enrolment Summer School 2024
Registration Form Summer School 2024
Authorisations Summer School 2024

The Registration form should be handed in either to the office in Milton House or in San Lorenzo from 8th April onwards.


Address: Plaza Milton 3, 35005, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Telephone: 828 113 023



Y7 students visit the Food Bank of Las Palmas

In the first two weeks of October, our Year 7 students had the unique opportunity to visit the Food Bank of Las Palmas. This insightful journey was organised to familiarise our pupils with the core operations and characteristics of the food bank, including a detailed look into their storage facilities and logistics.

The trip was not just an educational experience; it was designed with a greater purpose. We aim to nurture a sense of social consciousness in our students from an early age. Through such endeavours, we hope to guide them towards making gradual commitments to suitable social actions throughout their lives.

The outing was received with overwhelming positivity. Our students were genuinely impressed by the unwavering dedication of the volunteers at the food bank. It offered them a tangible perspective on the destination of the food we gather each term at school and its distribution within the community. The trip was interactive, with many of our students keenly asking questions and soaking in the entire experience.

Their enthusiastic response and the newfound understanding of community-focused endeavours is a testament to the importance of such excursions. We firmly believe that these experiences will inspire our students to become conscious and proactive members of society in the future.

School Year 2023-2024

Dear parents and pupils: please see the relevant information for the academic year 2023/2024. We wish you all a lovely summer holiday!

1. Beginning of the School Year
2. School Calendar Las Palmas
2. School Calendar Maspalomas
3. School Fees
4. Primary Textbooks and School Supplies (San Lorenzo)
4. Primary Textbooks and School Supplies (Maspalomas)
4. Secondary Textbooks and School Supplies
5. Uniform

• The main school office in San Lorenzo is open from 9 am to 1 pm during the summer months (July and August).
• Milton department will be open from 9 am to 3.30 pm until 28th July.
• Maspalomas school office will be open from 9 am to 1 pm until the 7th July and from the 9th to 31st August.

Due to maintenance and preparations for the new academic year pupils will not be able to access the Frog platform during the month of August. They’ll be able to access their new class in September.

Our Secondary students' experiments achieve Flight Status in Astro Pi competition

Two teams of our Year 11 to Year 13 students progress to Phase 3 of the Astro Pi Mission Space Lab Challenge, using Python to develop experiments for Raspberry Pi hardware.

We are thrilled to announce that both of Canterbury School's Mission Space Lab teams have achieved Flight Status in the prestigious Astro Pi competition, organised by the European Space Agency (ESA) in collaboration with the Raspberry Pi Foundation. This exciting news means that the teams' experiments, which were developed using Python programming language, will be sent to the International Space Station (ISS) and conducted by astronauts during April-May 2023.

Astro Pi is an ESA Education project that offers young people the amazing opportunity to conduct scientific investigations in space by writing computer programs that run on Raspberry Pi computers aboard the ISS. The competition consists of four phases: Design, Create, Deploy, and Analyse.

Comprising four students each from Years 11 to 13, our two teams have worked diligently on their respective experiments, focusing on the themes of Life on Earth. Their hard work and dedication have been rewarded with the opportunity to have their experiments run on the ISS, an exceptional achievement for all involved.

During the three-hour runtime, astronauts on the ISS will install the software and run the experiments, after which they will send the results back to the participating teams. This means that the students' Python code and the Raspberry Pi hardware must work autonomously to record and analyse data (photographs) throughout the duration of the experiment.

Team 1's experiment centres on identifying ideal locations for solar panel placement on Earth. By analysing images and location data combined with temperature, humidity, and wind information, the team aims to make informed decisions about the best locations for solar panel installation.

Team 2's experiment investigates the correlation between water quality and areas with different population densities and vegetation. Their experiment focuses on six main parameters: vegetation health, water temperature, water turbidity, water hardness, pH, and dissolved oxygen. They believe that these factors can provide a comprehensive understanding of water quality across the globe.

Upon completion of their experiments on the ISS, the teams will receive their data by the end of May 2023, allowing them to write their final reports and complete the last phase of the Mission Space Lab Challenge.
We are incredibly proud of our students' accomplishments in developing experiments and wish them the best of luck in the next stage of the Astro Pi competition. Stay tuned for further updates on their progress!

Once again, congratulations to both Canterbury School Mission Space Lab teams!

Infant Summer School 2023

The Infant Department is organising a summer school in Milton House, with classes in English (native teachers), sports, games, crafts, workshops, etc.

Registration: Open for both Canterbury School Students (Pre-Nursery, Nursery, Reception and Year 1) and outside students from 3-6 years of age (children born in 2017-2018-2019) and 2020-2021 born children who will be starting at our school in September 2023.

Dates: From 3rd to 28th July (lunch included)

Hours: 8:30 to 15:30 (Monday to Friday)


● English classes taught by native teachers.

● A whole range of exciting crafts, games, workshops and sports.

● All the Covid-19 hygiene and safety measures necessary will be in place.

● Lunches are freshly cooked daily in our own school kitchen.

The aim of this Summer School is that children enjoy themselves as much as possible by learning English in an entertaining and fun way.


● Creative activities: Painting, sticking, threading, cutting, modelling with plasticine and clay, drawing, colouring…

● Physical Development: going up, over, down and through obstacles, running, jumping, throwing, catching...

● Drama and music: singing, dancing, role play, drama…developing their creativity.

● Knowledge and understanding of the world: plants, animals, places, full, empty, changes, appear, disappear…

● Social Development: developing relationships with other children and adults, sharing, taking turns, being responsible and helping.

● Gardening Workshops

● Cooking Workshops

● Foam Party

● Sports Activities (each Tuesday and Thursday the children will have sports & basketball activities )


Comfy T-shirt, shorts or tracksuit and trainers.

And inside their backpack (no trolley bags):
- A daily snack
- A change of clothes
- A hat
- A re-fillable bottle of water

All belongings must be marked with the child’s name.

On the days that there are FOAM PARTY, each child should bring a bag with
a swim suit, a pair of flip flops, towel, goggles and water toys.
Don’t forget to name all your clothes and toys!

TABLE OF PRICES (Lunch included)


Canterbury Students - download files:
Presentation Summer School 2023
Enrolment Summer School 2023

Outside Students - download files:
Presentation Summer School 2023
Enrolment Summer School 2023
Registration Form Summer School 2023
Authorisations Summer School 2023

The Registration form should be handed in either to the office in Milton House or in San Lorenzo from 17th April onwards.


Address: Plaza Milton 3, 35005, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Telephone: 828 113 023



Iván Peñate represents the Canary Islands at the National Olympiad in Informatics

We are thrilled to share the news that Iván Peñate Gómez, our talented Year 13 Computer Science student, represented the Canary Islands at the National Olympiad in Informatics held in Madrid this past weekend. Although he did not secure a winning position, he demonstrated great skill, enthusiasm, and camaraderie throughout the competition.

Iván thoroughly enjoyed the experience, making the most of the opportunity to connect with likeminded individuals from across the country. He engaged in fruitful discussions with other talented students, which allowed him to broaden his horizons and gain valuable insights into different approaches to problem-solving in computer science.

Iván's journey at the National Olympiad in Informatics is a testament to the power of passion, dedication, and learning. His experience in Madrid has not only enriched his knowledge but also sparked further interest in pursuing a career in computer science. We are confident that this is just the beginning of an exciting journey for Iván, and we look forward to supporting him in his future endeavours.

On behalf of our school community, we would like to congratulate Iván for his commendable performance at the national level and express our appreciation for the enthusiasm he brought to the competition. Keep up the fantastic work, Iván!

Class of 2022 Destinations

Excellent A Level results last year laid the foundations of ascension for the Class of 2022 to a diverse range of institutions around the world, where they are continuing their higher education journey.

Thanks to these internationally recognized qualifications, Canterbury School graduates are well equipped to embark on higher education studies either in Spanish at national institutions, or indeed around the world, where the language of instruction is English.

As far as destinations are concerned, Spain is still a very popular choice with Canterbury School students, and The Netherlands has also become a tremendously popular destination due to the fact that the universities offer a wide range of degree courses taught in English and the universities are highly regarded in world rankings. Other international destinations chosen by our most recent graduates are England, Scotland, Ireland, USA, Canada and Switzerland.

Many congratulations to all these former students and to our dedicated, highly professional staff team. We wish them all the greatest of fortune and look forward to meeting again in the future. A full list of final destinations can be seen below.

For any further information, please contact our Head of VI Form, Mr David O’Kane:

Animación (en inglés)Centro Universitario de Tecnología y Arte Digital
Economía (bilingüe)Universidad CEU San Pablo
DerechoUniversidad CEU San Pablo
Economía e Ingeniería MatemáticaCUNEF Universidad
Law with International RelationsCUNEF Universidad
Dirección Hotelera Global y Empresas TurísticasLes Roches Marbella
BusinessCanary Islands Business School
ArquitecturaUniversidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
MagisterioUniversidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del DeporteUniversidad Alfonso X el Sabio
Protocolo y Organización de EventosUniversidad del Atlántico Medio
Diseño de VideojuegosUniversidad del Atlántico Medio
GastronomíaUniversidad CEU Cardenal Herrera
Derecho y Relaciones Internacionales bilingüeUniversidad de Deusto
Creación, Administración y Dirección de Empresas + PsicologíaUniversidad Nebrija
PeriodismoUniversidad de Valladolid
Náutica y Transporte MarítimoUniversidad del País Vasco
Administración y Dirección de Empresas (en inglés)Universidad Europea de Madrid
OdontologíaUniversidad Fernando Pessoa-Canarias
PsicologíaUniversidad Fernando Pessoa-Canarias
Nutrición Humana y DietéticaUniversidad Fernando Pessoa-Canarias
EnfermeríaUniversidad Fernando Pessoa-Canarias
The Netherlands
Creative Media and Game TechnologiesBreda University of Applied Sciences
Aerospace EngineeringDelft University of Technology
Aerospace EngineeringDelft University of Technology
Economics and Business EconomicsErasmus University Rotterdam
PsychologyErasmus University Rotterdam
International BusinessHanze University of Applied Sciences
International BusinessHanze University of Applied Sciences
International BusinessHanze University of Applied Sciences
International BusinessHanze University of Applied Sciences
International BusinessHanze University of Applied Sciences
International BusinessHanze University of Applied Sciences
Life SciencesHanze University of Applied Sciences
PsychologyLeiden University
International BusinessRotterdam University of Applied Sciences
Business AdministrationUniversity of Amsterdam
International BusinessUniversity of Groningen
Technical Computer ScienceUniversity of Twente
Technical Computer ScienceUniversity of Twente
Computer ScienceUniversity of Birmingham
ZoologyUniversity of Cumbria
Computer Science with an Integrated Foundation YearUniversity of Manchester
Business and ManagementUniversity of Portsmouth
Sport and Exercise PsychologyUniversity of Portsmouth
BiologyWorcester University
International BusinessYork St John University
Biomedical ScienceEdinburgh Napier University
Food, Nutrition and Human HealthRobert Gordon University Aberdeen
Computer Science and Software EngineeringMaynooth University
Computer ScienceMaynooth University
Interior Architecture & DesignAcademy of Art University San Francisco
Kinesiology and Applied HealthThe University of Winnipeg
Business AdministrationAmerican Institute of Applied Sciences in Switzerland

Y12 Induction: Garañón

On Thursday 16th of September Y12 students spent two days in Garañón as part of their Induction Programme. Organised by their tutors, the head of year (Mr David), and the four Y13 heads, the pupils took part in a series of games, activities and reflective sessions which helped the transition into the VI form. The following article is a reflection of the preparation and execution of the sojourn.

After a busy school day, the group arrived at El Garañón, where they chose their roommates and were placed in different cabins. After settling down (they never really did), they all gathered in the main hall, ready to start the introductory activities. These included a customised bingo and other fun activities.

Following a quick dinner break, the students met in the large hall once more, this time for games prepared by their elder peers. They divided themselves into groups and participated in a series of small competitions. Some very amusing moments occurred, such as watching the participants attempt to whistle with biscuits in their mouths. To finish off the day, Mr David had prepared their first reflective session. For an hour the students pondered about what they had learnt from themselves and their classmates, as well as skills they had developed and how they are relevant to their futures.

Although a variety of conclusions were reached, most of them agreed that getting to know more about one another had been most enriching, and they all foresaw a future where they grew closer as a year group. Regarding skills; communication, teamwork and leadership were the most recognized amongst the students and their meaning and importance was acknowledged and discussed.

The following morning, the tutors were in charge of different activities specifically targeting a variety of soft skills. For example, Mr Paul arranged a game where the pupils had to throw the maximum number of balls to each other in a certain sequence and margin of time. This is a metaphor for how they will have to time-manage and juggle all their responsibilities these years, each ball representing a responsibility or task they will have to complete. They practised their listening skills, memory, and attention span while they had a good time bonding with each other.

Lastly, the year 12’s got some time with their head of year, and the head students of the sixth form. Here, not only did they get to put all the activities into perspective, but they were given personal advice from the older students too. In doing this, they realised that all the skills they learned could be put into practice in many other aspects of their lives.

As year 13 heads, we thoroughly enjoyed watching the change in attitude of the students (as well as ours, given that we were admittedly sceptical at the start) as the induction progressed. They have proven they have the potential to be a great team, and we are really looking forward to working collectively for the rest of the year.

Article written by: Alba García, Eva Porta and Pablo Rosas (Y13)

EBSCO Online Library

This school year we have a new and valuable work tool in the Secondary Department. The powerful databases that, through EBSCO, the school makes available to both students and teachers will serve to promote reading, the acquisition of knowledge and the development of research and project work skills. One more example of Canterbury School's commitment to new technologies and the academic development of its school community.