Y12 Induction: Garañón

On Thursday 16th of September Y12 students spent two days in Garañón as part of their Induction Programme. Organised by their tutors, the head of year (Mr David), and the four Y13 heads, the pupils took part in a series of games, activities and reflective sessions which helped the transition into the VI form. The following article is a reflection of the preparation and execution of the sojourn.

After a busy school day, the group arrived at El Garañón, where they chose their roommates and were placed in different cabins. After settling down (they never really did), they all gathered in the main hall, ready to start the introductory activities. These included a customised bingo and other fun activities.

Following a quick dinner break, the students met in the large hall once more, this time for games prepared by their elder peers. They divided themselves into groups and participated in a series of small competitions. Some very amusing moments occurred, such as watching the participants attempt to whistle with biscuits in their mouths. To finish off the day, Mr David had prepared their first reflective session. For an hour the students pondered about what they had learnt from themselves and their classmates, as well as skills they had developed and how they are relevant to their futures.

Although a variety of conclusions were reached, most of them agreed that getting to know more about one another had been most enriching, and they all foresaw a future where they grew closer as a year group. Regarding skills; communication, teamwork and leadership were the most recognized amongst the students and their meaning and importance was acknowledged and discussed.

The following morning, the tutors were in charge of different activities specifically targeting a variety of soft skills. For example, Mr Paul arranged a game where the pupils had to throw the maximum number of balls to each other in a certain sequence and margin of time. This is a metaphor for how they will have to time-manage and juggle all their responsibilities these years, each ball representing a responsibility or task they will have to complete. They practised their listening skills, memory, and attention span while they had a good time bonding with each other.

Lastly, the year 12’s got some time with their head of year, and the head students of the sixth form. Here, not only did they get to put all the activities into perspective, but they were given personal advice from the older students too. In doing this, they realised that all the skills they learned could be put into practice in many other aspects of their lives.

As year 13 heads, we thoroughly enjoyed watching the change in attitude of the students (as well as ours, given that we were admittedly sceptical at the start) as the induction progressed. They have proven they have the potential to be a great team, and we are really looking forward to working collectively for the rest of the year.

Article written by: Alba García, Eva Porta and Pablo Rosas (Y13)

EBSCO Online Library

This school year we have a new and valuable work tool in the Secondary Department. The powerful databases that, through EBSCO, the school makes available to both students and teachers will serve to promote reading, the acquisition of knowledge and the development of research and project work skills. One more example of Canterbury School's commitment to new technologies and the academic development of its school community.

Condolences on the passing of Queen Elizabeth II

The Canterbury School community are very saddened to hear of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and offer our condolences to her family. Queen Elizabeth was a role model to us all, and truly embodied our Canterbury values of Responsibility, Respect, Unity and Friendship. May she rest in peace.

School Year 2022-2023

Dear parents and pupils: please see the relevant information for the academic year 2022/2023. We wish you all a lovely summer holiday!

1. Start of the school year
2. School Calendar Las Palmas
2. School Calendar Maspalomas
3. School Fees
4. Primary Textbooks and School Supplies (San Lorenzo)
4. Primary Textbooks and School Supplies (Maspalomas)
4. Secondary Textbooks and School Supplies
5. Uniform
6. School Bus

*The main school office in San Lorenzo is open from 9am to 1pm during the summer months (July and August).

Due to maintenance and preparations for the new academic year pupils will not be able to access the Frog platform during the month of August. They’ll be able to access their new class in September.

Infant Summer School 2022

The Infant Department is organising a summer school in Milton House, with classes in English (native teachers), sports, games, crafts, workshops, etc.

Registration: Open for both Canterbury School Students (Pre-Nursery, Nursery, Reception and Year 1) and outside students from 3-6 years of age (children born in 2016-2017-2018) and 2019 & 2020 born children who will be starting at our school in September 2022.

Dates: From 4th to 29th July (lunch included)

Hours: 8:30 to 15:30 (Monday to Friday)


● English classes taught by native teachers.

● A whole range of exciting crafts, games, workshops and sports.

● All the Covid-19 hygiene and safety measures necessary will be in place.

● Lunches are freshly cooked daily in our own school kitchen.

The aim of this Summer School is that children enjoy themselves as much as possible by learning English in an entertaining and fun way.


● Creative activities: Painting, sticking, threading, cutting, modelling with plasticine and clay, drawing, colouring…

● Physical Development: going up, over, down and through obstacles, running, jumping, throwing, catching...

● Drama and music: singing, dancing, role play, drama…developing their creativity.

● Knowledge and understanding of the world: plants, animals, places, full, empty, changes, appear, disappear…

● Social Development: developing relationships with other children and adults, sharing, taking turns, being responsible and helping.

● Gardening Workshops

● Cooking Workshops

● Sports Activities (each Tuesday and Thursday the children will have sports & basketball activities )


Comfy T-shirt, shorts or tracksuit and trainers.

And inside their backpack (no trolley bags):
- A daily snack
- A change of clothes
- A hat
- A re-fillable bottle of water

All belongings must be marked with the child’s name.

TABLE OF PRICES (Lunch included)


Canterbury Students - download files:
Presentation Summer School 2022
Enrolment Summer School 2022

Outside Students - download files:
Presentation Summer School 2022
Enrolment Summer School 2022
Registration Form Summer School 2022
Authorisations Summer School 2022

The Registration form should be handed in either to the office in Milton House or in San Lorenzo from 18th April onwards.


Address: Plaza Milton 3, 35005, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Telephone: 828 113 023

E-mail: milton@canterburyschool.com


Regional Computer Science Olympiad

Last month 5 Computer Science students from Y10-Y13 took part in the Regional Computer Science Olympiad organised by the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and the University of La Laguna. The students had been preparing all year and 3 of them made it to the top 10, one of them top 5. Well done everyone!

Secondary Carnival 2022

On Friday 25th of February, the Secondary Department celebrated the well loved tradition of Carnival Day. With “Cartoon World” as the theme, students came dressed up in colourful costumes, ready to enjoy the various activities that took place. In the following article, Y12 students reflect on their preparation process for this event.


We remember all those years ago getting ready for the special day: waking up slightly earlier, making sure our costumes looked impeccable and arriving at school eager to see what awaited us. Carnival was a great day to forget about stress and have fun with friends. This year we have had the opportunity to experience this from the other side of the fence; it was our turn to organise it!

When proposed with the idea of orchestrating such a large scale event, our initial thoughts were that this was going to be complicated. Our year group is particularly small and we had less than a month to work everything out. We had to make sure that around 500 students were safely entertained for the whole day to make it as memorable as possible. Luckily, we all seemed to be on the same page from the very beginning so fulfilling our common objective was a relatively simple task. We quickly brainstormed plenty of ideas, keeping in mind previous year’s successes, and got to work. So that the workload could be more evenly distributed, the year group was divided into different teams, each in charge of a different aspect of the Carnival, still consulting one another for help. A detailed proposal was submitted to the school presenting the COVID protocols, procedures, activities and student/staff movement throughout the day.

Upon the student’s arrival, the pre-recorded Talent Show was broadcast. Unlike any other year it contained a storyline; it was scripted, staged and recorded as an episode of “Phineas and Ferb”. These famous characters decided to host their own Talent Show where participants got to showcase their amazing abilities. The judges, after having seen so many original performances, were tasked with the near impossible feat of choosing 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. In the end Adrian Sánchez (Y8), Alfonso Medina (Y13) and Luna di Maio (Y9) were this years’ top three respectively. Needless to say, everyone who sent in videos was a winner; taking part is the real achievement. The idea for this years’ show was popular, amusing and well received by all the students and staff.

After a break, it was time for some games and activities. Y13 volunteers from the Canterbury Student Union (CSU) joined forces with the Y12 CSU team. The school was divided into six stations, each one with different activities, and students rotated until they had taken part in every game. These ranged from zumba, to volleyball, to a giant water fight which was, of course, everyone’s favourite! It was extremely rewarding to see and hear all the students' smiles and laughter. Later in the day, during afternoon chilling time, the ‘Cartoon World Raffle’ was live streamed and over forty prizes were awarded.

It is difficult to ignore and count how many skills we learnt thanks to this real life learning experience. However, the most important of them all is teamwork; getting together, dividing up tasks and executing them in the most efficient way possible. Never did we stop learning and improving the management and communication skills that will be essential in the years to come.

It is crucial for us to thank the students for participating, and all the members of staff who have supported us through the process.

We shall be eternally grateful to the school for providing us with such a positive and enriching opportunity. We hope generations to come face this challenge with the same excitement as we did.

Article written by Alba García and Emilie Bamber (Y12 students & CSU members)

50th Anniversary Ambassador's Visit

On Friday 17th February we had the honour of welcoming Mr Hugh Elliot, British Ambassador to Spain, at Milton House to celebrate Canterbury School’s 50th Anniversary. Many thanks for joining us on such a special occasion, it was an absolute pleasure!

The Ambassador congratulated Mrs Pritchard, who founded the school in 1972 with 17 pupils, for such an extraordinary achievement, and highlighted Canterbury School’s excellence, not only academically but also in the sporting world, particularly in basketball.

We enjoyed wonderful speeches and poems from Secondary and Primary student representatives from San Lorenzo and Maspalomas, as well as a lovely song from our Reception and Year 1 pupils, who behaved beautifully throughout the event.

Our former student Anna Wägner spoke in representation of all Canterbury former students and current parents, sharing some lovely memories of her time as a student at Canterbury School.

To conclude the ceremony, the Ambassador planted the Jubilee Tree with the help of our Head Boy and Head Girl, and was invited to take a tour around the school, followed by refreshments for everyone in the hall.

As we reflect over the last 50 years, we would like to thank everyone involved in helping make Canterbury School what it is today. The contribution of students, staff and parents over the last 50 years has been essential. You are all part of the Canterbury School community, which is the heart of our school.

Outstanding Cambridge Learner Awards 2021

We are proud to announce that five students from Canterbury School have received prestigious awards from Cambridge Assessment International Education to acknowledge their outstanding performance in the June 2021 Cambridge examination series.

The Outstanding Cambridge Learner Awards programme celebrates the success of learners taking Cambridge examinations in over 40 countries around the world. These awards recognise the talent, dedication and commitment of the students who have worked so hard to achieve tremendous success in their exams.

Since 2009, Canterbury School pupils have won over 70 Outstanding Cambridge Learner Awards. Every year our pupils achieve excellent academic results in their official external exams, well above the UK average, which places our school among the best British schools in Spain.

This year our students have received Top in Spain awards for their outstanding results in their IGCSE, AS and A Level examinations.

Our most sincere congratulations to these amazing students, their families and their teachers! It is a great honour for the school to announce this achievement in recognition to their exceptional performance. We encourage them to continue working as hard so they are able to achieve new goals and we wish them every success in the bright future which lies ahead of them.

Alejandro Díaz TamayoTop in SpainComputer ScienceA level
Carmen García NaranjoTop in SpainPsychology A level
Kerensa Espino CabreraTop in SpainPsychology AS level
Alfonso Medina MarreroTop in SpainMathematics AS level
Sofía Jorge RamírezTop in SpainTourism IGCSE

International University Fair 2021

On Friday 3rd December our Y10-Y13 students enjoyed attending the International University Fair, which took place in our sports hall. They had the fantastic opportunity of speaking with university representatives from all over the world, including Spain, the UK, the USA, the Netherlands, Germany, France, Switzerland, Czech Republic and more.