Class of 2021 Destinations

After a well deserved summer break, the class of 2021 has now taken the next step in their life journeys. Excellent A level results laid the foundations of ascension to a diverse range of undergraduate studies at a variety of institutions around the world. Thanks to these internationally recognized qualifications, Canterbury School VI Form students are well equipped to embark on higher education studies either in Spanish at national institutions, or indeed around the world where the language of instruction is English.

As far as destinations are concerned, Spain is still a very popular choice with Canterbury School students, and The Netherlands has now also become a tremendously popular destination due to the fact that the universities offer a wide range of degree courses taught in English and the universities are highly regarded in world rankings. This shift of tendencies is positive and it is highly likely that in years to come more Canterbury students will chose to embrace the opportunities that prestigious universities across Europe and throughout the world offer.

Many congratulations to all these former students and to our dedicated, highly professional staff team. We wish them all the greatest of fortune and look forward to meeting again in the future. A full list of final destinations can be seen below.

For any further information, please contact our Head of VI Form, Mr David O’Kane:

Digital Design & MultimediaLABA Valencia - School of Art, Design & New Media
ComunicaciónUniversidad del Atlántico Medio
ADE y DerechoUniversidad del Atlántico Medio
Maestro en Educación Infantil y PrimariaUniversidad del Atlántico Medio
Ingeniería Náutica y Transporte MaritimoUniversidad de Cantabria
Traducción e InterpretaciónUniversidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Ingeniería InformáticaUniversidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Ingeniería QuímicaUniversidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Ingeniería InformáticaUniversidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
PsicologíaUniversidad de Granada
Ciencias Políticas y de la AdministraciónUniversidad de Granada
DerechoUniversidad CEU San Pablo
Grado en Ingeniería Civil y TerritorialUniversidad Politécnica de Madrid
Educación Infantil (Itinerario Bilingüe)Universidad de Córdoba
VeterinariaUniversidad CEU Cardenal Herrera
Imagen para el Diagnóstico y Medicina NuclearICSE - Centro Integrado de Educación Superior
Periodismo y Comunicación AudiovisualUniversidad Pontificia de Salamanca
The Netherlands
Mechanical EngineeringUniversity of Twente
Technical Computer ScienceUniversity of Twente
PsychologyUniversity of Twente
Civil EngineeringUniversity of Twente
EconomicsTilburg University
EconomicsTilburg University
European LawMaastricht University
European LawMaastricht University
International BusinessMaastricht University
Business AnalyticsMaastricht University
International BusinessHanze University of Applied Sciences
International BusinessHanze University of Applied Sciences
International BusinessHAN University of Applied Sciences
Econometrics and Operations ResearchErasmus University Rotterdam
Business AdministrationNHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences
International BusinessUniversity of Groningen
Business and MarketingUniversity of Portsmouth
Primary Education (ITE)The University of the West of England (UWE Bristol)
Business, Economic and Social StudiesTrinity College Dublin
English Literature & Classical LanguagesTrinity College Dublin
MathematicsThe University of Edinburgh
Electronic and Software EngineeringUniversity of Aberdeen
Stage ManagementDePaul University, Chicago
Computer Science and Business AdministrationUniversity of Southern California
Mechanical Engineering (International)Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Mathematics and Computer ScienceÉcole Polytechnique de Paris
Business AdministrationAmerican University in Bulgaria (AUBG)
The Lebanon
Foundation StudiesThe Lebanese American University School of Architecture & Design

International University Fair 2021

This year the International University Fair at Canterbury School is back! The event will take place on Friday 3rd of December at 9am in our sports hall. Thirty universities from all over the world with more than 300 programmes will be visiting the school to talk to our students about undergraduate opportunities.

Pilar Balader Herrero

Congratulations to our former student, Pilar Balader Herrero, who is currently studying Marketing at the State University of New York Plattsburgh and has been honored in the Dean's List for Spring 2021. The Dean's List recognizes students who earn a G.P.A. that represents academic excellence. What a fantastic achievement Pilar! Well done!

Y10 Printmaking Workshop

Year 10 art students were privileged to be given an opportunity to spend a morning working with 2 professional Canarian printmakers. The workshop run by the Canarian government showed the students the techniques of etching and lino printing, while being given some clever advice and techniques in order that they will be able to use these techniques in their own art work. The workshop was motivational and inspiring and we are all very thankful that we have the opportunity to do these wonderful things here on the island.

Victor Galván Rodríguez of Y12

Congratulations to Victor Galván Rodríguez of Y12B for getting his Y11 IGCSE wire sculpture published in a catalogue for specialist art equipment. The sculpture completed in silver wire represents the emotions of how students might be feeling during the stressful times of their exams and can be seen on the website in the catalogue of 2022-2023 page 1108. Well done Victor, keep up the good work!

8,054€ raised for La Palma

On Friday 15th October we held a Non-Uniform Day throughout the whole school, with the aim of collecting donations for those affected by the volcano in La Palma. Amongst all the families at Canterbury School we managed to raise a total of 8,054€ to help our neighbours in La Palma throughout these difficult times. Thank you all very much for your support and collaboration.

Y10 La Regenta Art Gallery

Finally after 2 years of waiting year 10 Art students got the opportunity to go to La Regenta Art gallery in Las Palmas to research and get information about local Canarian and Spanish artists.

We had a fantastic guided tour of the exhibition which gave the students all the information they needed to bring back to the classroom. This information will then be used in their own art work which is a requirement of the CIE Art and Design course which they are studying.

A big thank you to Marta and La Regenta and we hope to visit again soon.

Y12 Induction Programme

Little by Little, as life as we know it returns to some kind of normal, so do the broad range of activities and opportunities in the VI Form at Canterbury School.

Last week Y12 students enjoyed their participation in their Induction Programme, an event run by the Head of VI Form and Y13 students. A reduced COVID friendly event was condensed into a fun packed morning firstly outside in the fresh air, and later in the Chaucer Theatre.

While outside, the Y12 students took part in three different team games specifically designed to promote teamwork, problem-solving, communication and other soft skills. Without doubt the activities were challenging, obliging students to approach problem solving and methods of communication in different ways than they have previously experienced. Equally, it was refreshing to see these future university students stepping out of their comfort zones and at the same time having a great deal of fun.

During the second session of the morning, the students attended a presentation in the school theatre providing information regarding future pathways and how to be well prepared for life after Canterbury.

Many thanks to the Y13 volunteers for their help, for any further information, contact Mr David O’Kane at:

Canterbury School among the 50 most outstanding schools in Spain

The newspaper El Español has included Canterbury School among the 100 best schools in Spain and as one of the 50 most outstanding schools in the country.

El Español has selected the best private and charter schools throughout Spain, organized by autonomous community and alphabetical order, characterized by the quality of their educational methods, language level and teaching.

The newspaper has also distinguished the 50 leading schools in all the autonomous communities, based on their pedagogical innovations, results of external evaluations and methodologies used in classes.

We are proud to be able to share this news with you and we would like to thank the entire educational community.

You can consult the lists from the following links:

> The 100 best schools in Spain by autonomous communities
> The 50 most outstanding schools in Spain