Codementum International Coding Competition

Our pupils from the Primary Department's Computing Club entered the Codementum International Coding Competition which took place in December. The competition brought together a total of 2,129 schools, 5,153 classes, 133 countries and 57,206 students. Canterbury School came 1st in Spain and 9th in the world! Well done Canterbury Coders!

Happy Chinese New Year!

Happy Chinese New Year! The Year 1 children have been celebrating the start of the Year of the Rabbit as part of their topic on China. They dressed up in red, ate their snacks with chopsticks and did lots of Chinese style art and craft activities. It is fun learning about other countries and cultures!

Class of 2022 Destinations

Excellent A Level results last year laid the foundations of ascension for the Class of 2022 to a diverse range of institutions around the world, where they are continuing their higher education journey.

Thanks to these internationally recognized qualifications, Canterbury School graduates are well equipped to embark on higher education studies either in Spanish at national institutions, or indeed around the world, where the language of instruction is English.

As far as destinations are concerned, Spain is still a very popular choice with Canterbury School students, and The Netherlands has also become a tremendously popular destination due to the fact that the universities offer a wide range of degree courses taught in English and the universities are highly regarded in world rankings. Other international destinations chosen by our most recent graduates are England, Scotland, Ireland, USA, Canada and Switzerland.

Many congratulations to all these former students and to our dedicated, highly professional staff team. We wish them all the greatest of fortune and look forward to meeting again in the future. A full list of final destinations can be seen below.

For any further information, please contact our Head of VI Form, Mr David O’Kane:

Animación (en inglés)Centro Universitario de Tecnología y Arte Digital
Economía (bilingüe)Universidad CEU San Pablo
DerechoUniversidad CEU San Pablo
Economía e Ingeniería MatemáticaCUNEF Universidad
Law with International RelationsCUNEF Universidad
Dirección Hotelera Global y Empresas TurísticasLes Roches Marbella
BusinessCanary Islands Business School
ArquitecturaUniversidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
MagisterioUniversidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del DeporteUniversidad Alfonso X el Sabio
Protocolo y Organización de EventosUniversidad del Atlántico Medio
Diseño de VideojuegosUniversidad del Atlántico Medio
GastronomíaUniversidad CEU Cardenal Herrera
Derecho y Relaciones Internacionales bilingüeUniversidad de Deusto
Creación, Administración y Dirección de Empresas + PsicologíaUniversidad Nebrija
PeriodismoUniversidad de Valladolid
Náutica y Transporte MarítimoUniversidad del País Vasco
Administración y Dirección de Empresas (en inglés)Universidad Europea de Madrid
OdontologíaUniversidad Fernando Pessoa-Canarias
PsicologíaUniversidad Fernando Pessoa-Canarias
Nutrición Humana y DietéticaUniversidad Fernando Pessoa-Canarias
EnfermeríaUniversidad Fernando Pessoa-Canarias
The Netherlands
Creative Media and Game TechnologiesBreda University of Applied Sciences
Aerospace EngineeringDelft University of Technology
Aerospace EngineeringDelft University of Technology
Economics and Business EconomicsErasmus University Rotterdam
PsychologyErasmus University Rotterdam
International BusinessHanze University of Applied Sciences
International BusinessHanze University of Applied Sciences
International BusinessHanze University of Applied Sciences
International BusinessHanze University of Applied Sciences
International BusinessHanze University of Applied Sciences
International BusinessHanze University of Applied Sciences
Life SciencesHanze University of Applied Sciences
PsychologyLeiden University
International BusinessRotterdam University of Applied Sciences
Business AdministrationUniversity of Amsterdam
International BusinessUniversity of Groningen
Technical Computer ScienceUniversity of Twente
Technical Computer ScienceUniversity of Twente
Computer ScienceUniversity of Birmingham
ZoologyUniversity of Cumbria
Computer Science with an Integrated Foundation YearUniversity of Manchester
Business and ManagementUniversity of Portsmouth
Sport and Exercise PsychologyUniversity of Portsmouth
BiologyWorcester University
International BusinessYork St John University
Biomedical ScienceEdinburgh Napier University
Food, Nutrition and Human HealthRobert Gordon University Aberdeen
Computer Science and Software EngineeringMaynooth University
Computer ScienceMaynooth University
Interior Architecture & DesignAcademy of Art University San Francisco
Kinesiology and Applied HealthThe University of Winnipeg
Business AdministrationAmerican Institute of Applied Sciences in Switzerland

Outstanding Cambridge Learner Awards 2022

We are proud to announce that three students from Canterbury School have received five prestigious Outstanding Cambridge Learner Awards from Cambridge Assessment International Education to acknowledge their exceptional performance in the June 2022 Cambridge examination series.

The Outstanding Cambridge Learner Awards programme celebrates the success of learners taking Cambridge examinations in over 40 countries around the world. Every year our pupils achieve excellent academic results in these examinations and, since 2009, they have won over 75 Outstanding Cambridge Learner Awards. These results are a reflection of the enormous talent, dedication and commitment at Canterbury School, not only amongst learners but also within the teaching staff.

This year our students have received Top in Spain awards for their outstanding results in the following exams: Kerensa Espino Cabrera (A Level Psychology), Valentina Someso Mundaray (AS Level Business, AS Level English Language, & AS Level Geography) and Raquel Medina Marrero (IGCSE Biology).

Our most sincere congratulations to these amazing students, their families and to all our staff! It is extremely rewarding to congratulate students and teachers at Canterbury School who have worked so hard to achieve tremendous success in Cambridge examinations. We encourage Kerensa, Valentina and Raquel to continue working hard so they are able to achieve new goals and we wish them every success in the bright future which lies ahead of them.

Year 10 Computer Science Students Attend Cybersecurity Event at ULPGC

On Friday 16th December, Year 10 Computer Science students had the opportunity to attend a cybersecurity event at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC). The event was organized by the ULPGC and the Instituto Nacional de Ciberseguridad (INCIBE) and featured a talk by Mr Manuel R. Dominguez Gil, CTO of cybersecurity company Black9.

During the talk, Mr. Domínguez Gil emphasized the importance of having as little personal data as possible online, using different passwords for each account and gave names and faces to the most wanted cybercriminals. He also spoke about the concept of social engineering, which is responsible for 95% of the attacks faced by companies and individuals today. The students learned to identify a social engineering attack and how to protect themselves from them.

After the talk, the students had the chance to put their newfound e-safety skills into practice using a computer game installed on tablets at a stand organized by INCIBE. The game tested their knowledge and ability to identify and protect against various cybersecurity threats.

Overall, the Year 10 students had a valuable and educational experience at the cybersecurity event. They gained a better understanding of the importance of protecting their personal information online and learned how to stay safe from cyber threats. We would like to thank the ULPGC and INCIBE for organizing this event and allowing our students to learn about cybersecurity.

Exploring the Exciting World of UX Design with Tata Consultancy Services

On Tuesday 13th December, Year 13 Computer Science students had the opportunity to learn about the exciting field of user experience (UX) design from a former student who is now a UX designer at Tata Consultancy Services in London. Maeinia, who joined the school via Zoom, shared his insights and answered questions about his work and the world of UX.

During the talk, Maeinia explained that UX design is all about understanding the needs of users and creating products and services that meet those needs in a user-friendly and enjoyable way. As a UX designer, Maeinia specializes in the synthesis, research, and testing phases of the UX design process. This includes conducting user research to gather insights about customer needs and preferences, exploring and refining design ideas, and testing designs with users to validate their effectiveness and identify any improvements that can be made. Through this process, Maeinia helps companies understand their customers and design solutions that meet their needs.

Maeinia also described a typical day in his work as a UX designer, which might include conducting user interviews, sketching ideas on a whiteboard or using design software, and collaborating with other designers and developers. He emphasized the importance of communication and problem-solving skills in his work, as well as the ability to adapt to change and learn new technologies.

The students were curious about what it's like to study and work abroad and asked Maeinia about his experience living and working in London. Maeinia shared that it has been a great opportunity for him to learn about different cultures, meet new people, and gain new perspectives on his work. He also advised the students to be open to new experiences and opportunities, and to take advantage of any chance they have to travel or study abroad.

Overall, the talk was a valuable opportunity for the Year 13 Computer Science students to learn about UX design and the exciting career opportunities it offers. Many thanks to Maeinia for sharing his expertise and experiences with us. We look forward to hearing from more professionals in the field in the future.

Science and Innovation Week Workshop

Our Sixth form Computer Science students had the privilege to participate in one of the technological workshops organized by the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) as part of the ‘Science and innovation week of the Canary Islands 2022’ event.

Félix Tobajas, a lecturer from the Telecommunications faculty of the ULPGC, and Paloma Monzón and Alicia Sánchez from Tinkers, came to our school to run a workshop about the Internet of Things (IoT).

Our students had the opportunity to understand the importance that this technology is playing in our modern world where everyday objects are rapidly becoming Internet connected and controlled.

As an example, he showed them the new ‘LPA park’ app function that, using an IoT device, allows users to find out the availability of blue zone car parks in the city in real time.

In the second part of the workshop, our students were given the opportunity to develop two simple IoT devices. The first one was a sensor programmed to send a message to their phones when a car was detected parking. This was similar to the one used by the LPA park app and the second IoT device was a GPS tracker.

The students were fascinated by what they had learned about the use of microcontrollers and sensors, and how easy it was for them to start their own IoT projects at home.

We hope that, thanks to this workshop, we’ve inspired some of our students to become future engineers in a world where the IoT will play a huge role in our day-to-day lives.

Guest speaker talk about Cloud Computing

We would like to thank Mr Rafael Fuentes, Head of the Innovation Department (CINO) at Redes System and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at Voxia Comunicaciones, for visiting our school and giving our Year 13 Computer Science students a talk.

Our students learned about the important role that Cloud Computing is playing in the world market, with real-time examples shown during the presentation using AWS technology (Amazon Web Services). They were also introduced to the working procedures and tasks that a software developer has to deal with on a day-to-day basis.

We hope that our students found this talk inspiring and that it will help them grow beyond the scope of the curriculum, sparking curiosity about this field of study.

The Netherlands Universities Tour

Last June Y12 students enjoyed the first ever international universities tour to The Netherlands. Throughout the eight-day tour, students visited nine different universities including Research institutions, University Colleges and Applied Sciences institutions.

During the visits the students chatted to admissions teams, met current and former students, and learnt about life as un undergraduate student in the land of the tulips. While not visiting the universities, they spent a lot of time working in teams developing their soft skills through a range of activities organised by the Canterbury staff team.

The tour was a huge success, tremendously useful for all students, regardless of whether their final destinations will be The Netherlands. It goes without saying that we will be back to The Netherlands this coming June.

Wellbeing Coordinator

Last term 11 staff from across the Infant, Primary, Maspalomas and Secondary Departments successfully completed the training for the role of Wellbeing Coordinator (Coordinador de Bienestar). This year the role has been introduced by law into schools and other settings in Spain. At Canterbury School we have actually had this figure for many years in our Designated Safeguarding Lead in each department. Ensuring our children are safe and happy has always been a priority for us and will continue to be so. All the staff in school are required to have regular and up to date safeguarding training.